Church Officers



Occupant Contact details
Parish Priest Fr. John Sanderson 0408 130 864
Sacristan vacant
Parish Secretary vacant
Pew Bulletin and Prayer List Ashleigh Summers 03 9497 1290
Parish Treasurer Vince Cristiano 0418 322 206
Planned Giving Pam Cristiano 0409 583559
Hall Booking Barry Wilkes
Churchwardens Meron Pitcher
Ted Smart
David Morgan
0416 234 045
0409 140 662
0430 369984
Director of Music
Opportunity Shop Shop
Mary Jones (Manager)
03 9499 5166
0414 385058
Building Maintenance Emergency Contacts  Ted Smart
Vince Cristiano
George Hall
Alison Smart
0409 140662
0418 322206
0412 637856
03 9497 1450
Safe Ministry Officer Josie Cichello-Sanderson 0408 130 308