Service of Nine Lessons and Carols 2023

These are the wonderful singers who presented the Nine Lessons and Carols Service at St. George’s last evening.
(click image for a larger view)

Singers:  [front] Danny McBride, Leo McBride[left-right] David Ranson, Fr John Sanderson, Roger Pitcher, David Morgan, Barry Wilkes, Meron Pitcher, Neil Jewell, Gordon Hawley, Kay Mathiesson, Christopher White, Mary Jones, Marion White, Rosemary Cotter, Annette King, Carla Hawley, Tracey Edgar, Claerwen Jones, Tom McBride, Kate McBride, Nina Pereira, Nicole Edgar, Roger Brown.

Missing from photo – Cyril Thomas

The Service booklet is here (click)

And the replay of the YouTube livestream is here:

Farewell to Stacey and Kristen

This morning’s Choral Eucharist marked the departure from our parish of Rev’d Stacey Slater and Rev’d Kristen Dillon, both of whom are taking up positions as ADF chaplains.

It has been our privilege to have Stacey and Kristen with us – they will be very much missed.

(click to enlarge images)