September TMA available September 6th

The September issue of TMA (The Melbourne Anglican) will be available at the close of the service on September 6th. This issue includes:

* TMA and Editor Roland Ashby win the 2015 Gutenberg Award for excellence in religious communication, the highest honour of the Australasian Religious Press Association (ARPA);

* Archbishop Freier responds to SRI’s removal from class time;

* An interview with leading Church of England Missioner Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford, who says mission is “not about ‘scalp-hunting’ for Jesus”:

* A report and two viewpoints on the debate about same-sex marriage;

* A tribute to one of the great prophets of our time – the Revd Dr Martin Luther King Jr;

* A review by Barney Zwartz of Roy Williams’ latest book Post-God Nation? How religion fell off the radar in Australia – and what might be done to get it back on.

* The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee reflects on the relationship between meditation, mindfulness and Christian Faith;

* A viewpoint on the theological implications of the discovery of the earth-like planet Kepler-452b, or Earth 2.0.

Roland Ashby, Editor, TMA

Conversation with the Archbishop – Wednesday 2nd September 7.30am

Wednesday’s conversation is at Federation Square, when inspiring young ChristiansFatima Measham and Benson Saulo will join Archbishop Philip Freier to talk about their faith and the challenges facing young Australians. The forum is at Deakin Edge, Federation Square and starts at 7.30am (morning, please note). Admission is free.

Fatima Measham is a consulting editor and columnist at Eureka Street and Benson Saulo is an Indigenous Australian and a former Australian Youth Representative to the UN. Benson says his faith is important in his work for justice and equality and gives him the courage and confidence to do the things he does. “One step behind me are my ancestors guiding me forward and one step in front is God,” he says.

I hope you can join us for what promises to be a very stimulating conversation, and also share this invitation with members of your parish, and your family and friends.

More information is available at, and please connect with Anglican Media on Facebook ( and Twitter (@MelbAnglican) for news and updates. If you’re a Twitter user, you can be part of the Conversation on the day using the hashtag #MelbAnglicanConv.


Roland Ashby |  Director of Anglican Media and Editor of The Melbourne Anglican (TMA)
Anglican Diocese of Melbourne | 12 Batman Street, West Melbourne Vic 3003 | +61 3 9653 4215 |