From the Vicar Fr. John Sanderson concerning our period of recess…


Sunday 22 March 2020 was the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday). It was also the day on which our Bishop, the Rt. Rev’d Genieve Blackwell visited us to Celebrate and Preach at our 10am Choral Eucharist.

It was a day on which we were able to welcome six new people to church, including three young children. It was also the day on which we announced that as a consequence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that public worship at St Georges would go into recess. What does this mean?

On a practical level it means that public worship at St Georges, in whatever form, would cease until permitted to resume by advice or instruction of State and Federal Government, or at the direction of the Archbishop of Melbourne and Archbishop in Council. We have also closed our Opportunity Shop, the Evans Hall, Upper Meeting Room (Hall) and Parish Meeting Room.

Some may see this as threat. I see this situation as an opportunity to not only broaden and deepen our existing relationship with God, but also an opportunity to deepen our relationships with one another, and with the broader community in new and imaginative ways. To assist you with your personal devotions the Pew Bulletin will continue to be produced and published on our Website and
Facebook page, the bulletin will also be delivered by hand or post to your home. Roger will continue to record and to publish the weekly postlude, and additional pieces of music.

Meron and Mother Linda have already found helpful articles for our reflection, which may be found on Facebook @StGeorgesEastIvanhoe. and the links below.

(Dr Fisk’s link)

Life Coming to a Focus

(Meron Pitcher’s link)

Embracing uncertainty

(And a further link from Fr. John)

Opening the door to the heart of heaven

We will also produce a booklet to assist you with your journey from Palm Sunday through Holy Week to the glory of Easter. I am hopeful, thanks to a local business
person, that we will be able to record a service of Holy Communion each week, which will then be available from Facebook and the parish website.

I will also seek to visit our community by text, telephone, email, facetime, Skype and Zoom once every 7-10 days, which equates to about 70 calls a week. I hope that others will be able to
join me in this ministry.

Today, Lady Day, marks the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so we have nine months to go until Christmas. Mary believed in God. In the living of her life she was open to the possibility of
an encounter with God in some shape or form, in some activity. Her belief enabled her to recognise God’s presence in her life, and as a consequence she was prepared to respond to the call made upon her life, and so stands before us as an exemplar of faithful obedience.

Mary responded to God’s call upon her life in faith and prayer and at huge personal risk in this way.

My soul magnifies the Lord,

47. and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,

48 . for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;

49 . for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

50 . And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.

51. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;

52. he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate;

53. he has filled he hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.

54. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,

55. as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.

In the days that lie ahead, may we be open to the opportunity to encounter God, and when we do, respond in obedience, faith and prayer, knowing that to do so, may for some of us come at some risk. Let us journey together through this time of pandemic in faith, hope and love, committed to shinning as a light to the world of the love of God that is made manifest in each one of us.

I look forward to a wonderful celebration of Christmas 2020 with you all.

Yours in service,
Fr John
Feast of The Annunciation To The
Blessed Virgin Mary, 2020


Public worship services at St George’s suspended

The Vicar of St George’s Fr John Sanderson this morning announced that public worship services at St George’s, in common with other Anglican churches in the state, are suspended with immediate effect due to the Covid-19 emergency.

We hope the emergency will have subsided sufficiently for this restriction to be lifted later in the year but as yet this is uncertain.

We intend that weekly devotional material and music audio files will be posted here weekly in order to allow our congregation to continue its worship devotions.

Please do not hesitate to contact Fr John if he or St George’s church can be of assistance to you at this troubling time.