The October issue of TMA available
The October issue of TMA (The Melbourne Anglican) will be available at St. George’s from Sunday October 4th . This issue includes:
- The faith story of Malcolm Turnbull. Roy Williams, author of In God they trust? The religious beliefs of Australia’s Prime Ministers 1901-2013, considers the religious beliefs of our new Prime Minister;
- Anglican responses to the Syrian refugee crisis and the Government’s decision to allow 12,000 Syrian refugees into Australia;
- Is Australia right to bomb Syria? The Revd Dr Gordon Preece considers the ethics, dangers and complexities of the Syrian crisis;
- A special ‘Transforming Lives’ feature on a project which has led to children in detention on Nauru receiving books and letters from all over Australia;
- A special supplement celebrating Chinese ministries within the Diocese of Melbourne;
- Removing SRI (CRE) from the school curriculum will only further cultural amnesia, argues the Revd René Knaap;
- Professor Graeme Clark’s mission to bring hearing to the deaf – a review of a new book about the man who invented the bionic ear.