G20 must seek new solutions : Statement by Dr Philip Freier, Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia and Archbishop of Melbourne

The G20 meeting of the world’s 20 largest economies in Brisbane this weekend takes place in increasingly uncertain times. There are growing fears of global recession, rising international tensions and growing economic inequality between countries and within countries.

In the longer term there are vast challenges, such as managing climate change, global population growth and movement, international conflict, food security, water, and potential epidemics.
It is essential that the countries taking part look beyond their own short-term national interests and seek to address these challenges in a concerted and effective way.

I echo Pope Francis, who urged last week that the discussions move beyond declarations of principle to real improvements in the living conditions of poorer families and the reduction of all forms of unacceptable inequality.

It will require good will and trust on all sides if the G20 summit is to achieve real progress, and it is the nature of international politics that no one wants to go first on such a path. Yet without a clear-sighted optimism, real change will be impossible.

Failure to address these issues of economic security and justice will lead to more international conflict and reduce the possibility of human flourishing. They cannot be left to fester. The Anglican Church of Australia urges the G20 leaders to search for new and cooperative solutions that can work across the globe. To that end, we offer our support and prayers.

+Philip, Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia

For more information contact communications adviser Barney Zwartz at bzwartz@melbourneanglican.org.au<mailto:bzwartz@melbourneanglican.org.au>, or on 0422 373 891.

Altered Service arrangements November 16th and 23rd

This Sunday (November 16) Dr Stuart Blackler will celebrate the Eucharist at
the 8.00 and 10.00 Services. Michael Danaher will be preaching.

On Sunday November 23rd, Bishop Graeme Rutherford will celebrate and preach
at both Services, and will chair the Annual Meeting.

Richard McKinney Memorial Advent Lecture Series commencing November 11th

Guest Speaker:  The Rev Dr Lorraine Parkinson    What has Christianity done to Jesus?

  1. Tuesday November 11th   Uniting Church, East Ivanhoe    How did Jesus of Nazareth become Jesus the Christ?: The Make-over that changed the world.
  2. Tuesday November 18th  St George’s Anglican Church, East Ivanhoe   Contradiction and Crisis in the Church:  identifying the Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of Christ.
  3. Tuesday November 25th  Mother of God Catholic Church, East Ivanhoe . The Teaching the Church Forgot:  Why Christian Creeds and Doctrine ‘forgot’ the Teaching of Jesus.

Talks commence at 8.00 pm.  Supper to follow

St Peter’s, Eastern Hill Breakfast Conversations

St Peter’s Anglican Church, East Melbourne, in conjunction with the Good Business Project, is launching a series of breakfast conversations focused on social issues of interest to the business community.  The inaugural conversation looks at the economic contribution of migration to Australia.  It arises from a speech given by Mr Frank Lowy AM, when he addressed the Australian Multicultural Council.  He provides a compelling personal example of what migrants are able to do.  You can see his presentation at www.dss.gov.au The conversation will be led by Professor Robert Wood of the Melbourne Business School’s Centre for Ethical Leadership @ Ormond College.


We are invited to join in the discussion:

St Peter’s Church, 15 Gisborne St, East Melbourne

30 October, 2014 at 7,30 am (finish by 8.30 am)

Cost $35 (includes a hot breakfast)


Booking: www.trybooking.com.FXDB


Please feel free to bring guests.


For more information or any enquiries, please contact Fr Richard Wilson, Associate Priest, by email: info@goodbusinessproject.org or mobile: : 0417 014 595

All Souls’ Requiem Mass

The annual All Souls Commemoration of the Faithful Departed falls this year on Monday 2nd November and it will be celebrated at St George’s with  a Requiem Mass  at 8.00 pm.

Please add the names of those whom you would like to be remembered at the altar to the list at the back of the church or e-mail their names to me. There is no need to add names of those who were on the list from previous years – they have been kept and will be read at the Requiem along with any new names.