From our Locum
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‘Mercy’ is the response of our common humanity
A statement from Bishop Philip Huggins, Vicar General, Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
The Indonesian authorities have obviously facilitated, by all accounts, the remarkable rehabilitation of the two Australian former drug-traffickers.
Their own response to opportunities for rehabilitation further underscores the cruel folly of execution.
We recoil at the thought.
They are poised instead, should mercy be shown, to make some contribution to the common good.
Relations between Indonesia and Australia are complex and multi-layered but this is more than a matter of national sovereignty.
Our common humanity transcends matters of nationality and fosters co-operation, as we have seen over responses to lost airlines.
Here are two men who recognise the sins of their youth, as many of us do looking back.
They are seeking to redeem themselves.
“Mercy” is the response of our common humanity.
The prayer of the Psalmist is ancient wisdom, always true:
“Remember not the sins of my youth according to your love remember me, for you are good O Lord.”(Ps 25:7)
30th January 2015
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Australia Day amnesty for Manus Island detainees
A statement from Bishop Philip Huggins, Chair, General Synod Migrant and Refugee Group, Anglican Church of Australia.
Australia Day is an opportunity to take a one-off and uplifting initiative: declare an amnesty for those now in the Manus Island Detention Centre.
Bring to Australia those found to be refugees.
The numbers are relatively small – something around 1000 men is the figure quoted in a world of 50 million displaced people.
Most have come from places of persecution and suffering.
Some have been detained for 18 months without there being a welcoming transition into PNG society.
Most are young and motivated to make a better life – just like those who followed the First Fleet.
The Manus Island arrangement is plainly not working. This is causing much distress, including to Australians of goodwill.
Australia Day is an opportunity to face this and take a positive initiative.
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December 21st Bulletin
18 December 2014
Christmas: the promise of a different future
Video Christmas message 2014 by the Anglican Primate of Australia, Melbourne Archbishop Philip Freier
As the world becomes more focused on its sea of troubles it is easy to believe the fracture lines between peoples are inevitably etched deeply on our future.
The world into which Jesus was born had this same heavy weight of foreboding. His own people, the Jews, chafed under the heel of the Roman Empire, and his family knew displacement and exile.
Christmas celebrates God’s action in human affairs to give a different future, one of peace, reconciliation and hope.
Christians understand that the birth of Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s promise to renew our relationship with him. Even at his birth Jesus serves to unify many of these deeply etched identities in the ancient world, be they poor shepherds watching their flocks or oriental monarchs.
Christmas tells us about the unfolding of God’s promise then and now. It tells us about the direction of God’s working amongst people. And it challenges our imaginations as we look at the world.
Australians of every background can find good reason to be dismayed about contemporary events near and far. Conflict is part of the human condition. But Jesus’ birth points us all to a different reality. His birth reveals a power to change and transform that is greater than ourselves.
The baby of Bethlehem remains the glory of God’s people and a light to enlighten all those who live apart from God. He is the one sent from God to change human existence one person at a time and for all of us together.
Have a blessed celebration of Jesus’ birth and may your Christmas bring you the knowledge of his love and peace.
To view the Christmas message, visit