Church Officers

Position Occupant Contact Details
Vicar John Sanderson Please refer all enquiries to the church wardens as listed below.
Sunday Locum Rev’d Fiona Raike 0418 104 942
Vicars Warden David Morgan 0430 369 984
Church Warden Paul Smith
Ted Smart
0418 554 362
0409 140 662
Parish Treasurer Vince Cristiano 0418 322 206
Parish Secretary Coral Tudball 0427 324 945
Pew Bulletin & Prayer List David Griffiths 0408 502 848
Acting Director of Music Meron Pitcher 0416 234 045
Assistant Organist Cyril Thomas 03 9444 0468
Head Server Chris Hayward 0423 985 044
Opportunity Shop Mary Jones 03 9499 5166
0414 385 058
Acting Sacristan Coral Tudball 0427 324 945
Building Maintenance & Emergency Contacts Ted Smart
Alison Smart
George Hall
0409 140 662
0408 032 089
0412 637 856
Property Rentals Coordinator Paul Smith 0480 042 421
Planned Giving Pam Cristiano 03 9458 3552
Child Safety Officer Josie Cichello-Sanderson 0408 130 308
Events Coordinator Denise Hall 0413 428 594
Hall Booking Paul Smith 0480 042 421