Position | Occupant | Contact Details |
Vicar | John Sanderson | Please refer all enquiries to the church wardens as listed below. |
Sunday Locum | Rev’d Fiona Raike | 0418 104 942 |
Vicars Warden | David Morgan | 0430 369 984 |
Church Warden | Paul Smith Ted Smart |
0418 554 362 0409 140 662 |
Parish Treasurer | Vince Cristiano | 0418 322 206 |
Parish Secretary | Coral Tudball | 0427 324 945 |
Pew Bulletin & Prayer List | David Griffiths | 0408 502 848 dave@dgware.com.au |
Acting Director of Music | Meron Pitcher | 0416 234 045 |
Assistant Organist | Cyril Thomas | 03 9444 0468 |
Head Server | Chris Hayward | 0423 985 044 |
Opportunity Shop | Mary Jones | 03 9499 5166 0414 385 058 |
Acting Sacristan | Coral Tudball | 0427 324 945 |
Building Maintenance & Emergency Contacts | Ted Smart Alison Smart George Hall |
0409 140 662 0408 032 089 0412 637 856 |
Property Rentals Coordinator | Paul Smith | 0480 042 421 |
Planned Giving | Pam Cristiano | 03 9458 3552 |
Child Safety Officer | Josie Cichello-Sanderson | 0408 130 308 |
Events Coordinator | Denise Hall | 0413 428 594 |
Hall Booking | Paul Smith | 0480 042 421 enquiries@stgeorgehire.org |