Locum Letter 31st December 2017

Locum letter 31st December 2017

I hope you all had a very happy Christmas and continue to
enjoy the holiday season that follows.

On Boxing Day our son Tim, his wife Loubna and grand daughter Sarah arrived for three weeks from London. This is the first time the three grandchildren have been together, and they have each been watching and engaging with each other in different and friendly ways.

In our Australian context with warm and hot weather at this time of the year, the holiday season provides families and friends with opportunities to get together and
enjoy each other’s company. It is a time for reflection and preparation for the coming year and the making of new year resolutions.

In today’s Gospel the parents of the infant Jesus bring him to Jerusalem to fulfil the ritual according to the law of Moses of purification. Simeon and Anna model faithful Israelites who through their faith journey recognize the Child as the fulfilment of God’s promise. They give witness to Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary and the Shepherds in recognising the salvation promised is at hand.

On Wednesday we observed the Feast of the Holy Innocents remembering the slaughter of innocent children by Herod following the birth of Jesus. He was threatened and acted to eliminate any challenge to his power.

Today children across the world are murdered, threatened and abused because of the actions of evil regimes and power hungry governments and individuals.
I urge you to recognise the plight of children and commit yourself to safety of children and to preserve for them a healthy and prosperous future.
