Locum Letter – 7th January 2018

Christmas celebrates the coming of Christ to Israel. Epiphany the coming of Christ for all humanity. In some countries Epiphany is seen as more significant than Christmas and based on the arrival of the Magi from the east and their gift giving it is the time to exchange presents. It is I think sad that in Australia we tend to wrap up Christmas at the end of Boxing Day and move quickly to the long summer holidays. I am not suggesting we abandon the holiday but rather take a little more time to celebrate Christmas.

The three Magi we are told have a knowledge of astronomy as well as a bit of magic about them for frankincense and myrrh were used in spells and the word for wise men can also mean magician. Their humility and recognition of the Christ child stands in stark contrast to King Herod. Herod was a Jew but he refused to recognise Jesus. Instead he had all the male children under the age of two killed at the time of the birth of Jesus to protect his authority and power. This contrasts with the Magi the outsiders who find Jesus and humbly bow before him.

This poses for us a question for consideration. We Christians are supposed to know about Jesus and the call of discipleship but how often do we find ourselves being reminded from those outside the Church and faith when we fall short and fail to practice what we believe.

Epiphany invites us to overcome our prejudices and stereotypes and to be open to all people. Epiphany invites us to engage with the mystery of God for our time and place.

Happy Epiphany and New Year to all.

