Locum Letter for Advent 3

Last Saturday we had a very enjoyable evening at the shared meal. The food was great and the company stimulating. The occasion is also an opportunity to invite guests and build our community of faith. Thanks to all who came and shared.

The presence of the Christmas tree in church reminds us, if we need to be reminded, that Christmas is fast approaching. Our televisions, newspapers and invitations to meet with family and friends at this time for Christmas drinks and gatherings of all sorts tell us that Christmas has already arrived. Others will be travelling to family and visiting relatives, leaving before the celebrations here at St George’s before Christmas begin. The purest among us in the church will remind us that Christmas begins on the 25th December for 12 days till the feast of the Epiphany, and the arrival of the three wise men on the 6th January. A colleague of mine still refuses to open his Christmas presents until that day. Whatever your own circumstance at home or away, may the Christmas season bring you peace and hope.

On another matter like me I am sure you have received in the mail numerous requests for financial support to a variety of charities including our Anglican ones, such as Anglicare, The Brotherhood of St Laurence, Anglican Overseas Aid, Anglican Board of Missions, The Church Missionary Society and others like the Christmas Bowl. How one decides how to give and how much can be a challenge. Some of us will give an amount to each organization, or if you are like me I have chosen to give a larger amount to a smaller number of agencies. Whatever method you may chose consider how much you will spend on your own Christmas celebrations when making your decision.

Since 1949 the Christmas Bowl appeal has brought compassion Christians together to help bring hope and safety to the world’s most vulnerable communities. Of all the appeals at Christmas this one is worthy of your support and encouragement. . Details of the work of the Christmas Bowl can be found on the brochures available in the church.

I hope you enjoy our Carol service this evening and the Christmas events to come.

Shalom Ray